The thought of your first breath on my cheek
Anxious, stir crazy, can’t sleep for shit.
In the dark I throw what seems like the weight of the world on my shoulders
Looking for answers only you can give.
My load will lighten I hope,
The ascent is a real gut buster
Heart 160
Hope my stomach isn’t bleeding yet
A real ride you’re taking me on there lady!
You’ve taught me everything I know
And I trust you now. Always.
I know out here we play by your rules
You’re in charge, Gaia.
Just when I think I’ve reached my limit
Breaking down,
You’re there.
All around me
And I no longer want to reach the finish line
Not now. Not ever,
Even with each fallen holly leaf that pierces my bare feet
Every jagged rock
That makes me bite my lip and cry out
Fuck You!
Even then..
Cause your smell
I die for that smell, die!
Sweet death, dying, decay and then life
Struggling. Succeeding.
Gentle whispers in the night.
Thank you, Gaia
Take me in your arms,
Rock me to sleep
Until blue morning gives way to light
And it starts all over