
The Pine

Look at you

So mighty

So grand

In all your glory

I try and stand 

Try and stand tall

Like you

Watching carefully

Lording over


For decades


Long before we came here

and here we are

You’ve seen so much

You’ve seen it all

Who knows how deep you go

No judgement

Just a silent watchful eye

The transition 

From dark to light

Light to dark


In the breeze

Your branches wash over me

You make me believe

It will be ok

Snow Angel

The songs I hear 

in the background of my mind

The epic soundtracks

I live my life to

Not as brilliant

As pine

Whistling in the wind

At night

Quick as a switch

That sound

The roar and the howl

The swisssshhhh

Gust of wind turns into whiteout

How lonely a feeling

I want to hold onto it forever,

Fall down.

Silent, snow angel

Except the soft tinkling

The snowflakes like diamonds

Fluttering to the earth 

and dying

Like so many dreams.

I am

You whispered those sweet nothings in my ear

Because I am nothing 

with you.

Now that you’re gone

Feels as though a weight has been lifted

Replaced with burden

So many burdens.

Guilt and doubt that brings me to my knees


Sometimes picks me up and dusts me off

Gives me a talking to

Gives me a what for.


Lights get brighter

The air gets colder

Breathing gets faster

Brrrrrrrr I say


Can’t get the smile off my face

Can’t stop laughing


The town is a blur

Don’t know where we are but..

I grasp your hand

As we walk thru the night

Weaving in and out of the crowd

I squeeze tight and I squeeze

Pulling you along

We dance

Anywhere we want


We just break out and dance

No one makes eye contact

I’m even a little afraid of you

And you of me

Now I wander back thru town in my mind

That night

It’s lonely

Rivers and Ghosts

Dusk gives way to moon filled nights

When evil comes out to play

Along the ancient banks of the broad

they wander aimlessly

Imprints of the past..

So much has happened here

What other secrets do you harbor, frenchie?

How many more are there?

So many..

You hold them tight

Caressing them with your current

Rock-a-by baby-ing them to sleep’s okay. 

It’s okay now.

The mountains are calling

Deep in the recesses of my heart

The dark corners

The left turns and the right angles

The obtuse and acute triangles

There is something

Something on the borderline of a feeling..

I guess.

Take me to the woods to see!

Autumn is here and the mountains are calling

Seeing them from a far these days 

It’s no longer good enough.

I’m anxious. Uneasy.

I want to be IN them,

feel them

claw my way back.

I want to smell dirt and damp earth

Switchback, scramble, climb and traverse.

This ache in my chest

This weight of the world..

Only she can cure it

The Mother, Gaia.

I want your tears to wash over me, Gaia.

Wash away my sins and my fears

Comfort me.

Take away my thousand yard stare.

When I can no longer see what’s behind me

And the only thing in front of me is forever

Only then does my heart open

Only then am I truly free.

These Mountains..

I would move these mountains for you if you asked

play them like chess pieces until I made it to you

(Wherever that is)

I know you’re not a pawn in this game tho

I know you’re not a pawn.

Strong, mighty and stoic you stand

like the hemlock and spruce fir

along the ridge line they span

arms wide, waiting to welcome me in

whispering secrets from the past

(like we do with our eyes)

Everyone who came before

left an imprint

has a story to tell..

The Eastern band of Cherokee

You, me.

These mountains..

(The Blue Ridge)

Hundreds of millions of years in the making

these mountains spoke to me 

without words

long before our story began.

With the rustle of leaves

or the snap of a twig

with the isoprene that gives them their color


with the change in terrain or elevation

they speak

they echo.

Granite and limestone reverberates the sound

hauntingly so

draws me in close

has my full attention, always

like you do.

And as I listen

these mountains..

from the high country to the foothills

they hold me and cradle me and rock me to sleep.

Rain for days

I tilt my head up and look towards the sky

The rain pours and pelts

It’s cold

Large droplets fill my eyes

Blur my vision

Rain for days..

The world is a monet painting

Unclear and out of focus

For me

For right now.

Your nose is cold and your glasses fog

I see your breath and I laugh

I grab your hand

I let go

I hear the vibrato

The change in your voice

That says..please, no..

But nothing makes sense

I take off running

And I run and run and run

Hope you dont follow

I can’t look back

And I don’t

I can’t

To the frenchie

The frenchie

She’s so quiet now

Her waters calm


Due to draught

She’s different somehow

More haggard

Showing her years

End of summer

Cold front moving in

Everyone’s hiding

Inside instead

I can’t let go

Don’t want to!

Not just yet anyway

I want to hold tight

To those lazy summer days

With her. Us. You. Them.

Feeling her run over me

Kicking my feet

Mud between my toes

Gliding my hands across her surface

Feeling her slip through my fingers


See you next year! 

I bow to you

A farewell til then,

My dear lady.

Dark horse

You’re a dark horse

 That just rode in after sunset

A horse

Come outta nowhere

Just a-gallopin


No one at the reigns

No one steerin’ this train

Just runnin’ and a-chuggin’ 

Pawin’ at the ground


Faster than a steam engine

And with more force even

Than Norfolk Southern


Slow it down

Before this shit flies off the rails