
Bygones (for monica)

Sometimes an era has to end

Well, always actually

It always does


Sux tho

New beginnings

Summer fun

Gut busting laughter

Falling down

Scratches on new sunglasses

Friends dressing friends

At the bywater

After river floats for hours and hours

Boxes of wine and six packs

Disappearing like water


It’s fun

Pay for it later. 

Work hard, play hard

Let bygones be bygones

And now it really is gone


You. Us.

Things are dying

The environment is changing

And inside i’m crying

Please don’t leave.

let us pretend

Everyone’s got their secrets

Everyone’s hiding something

Mostly always

Let us pretend tho

It’s not always as peachy

As they want you to believe

I know yours 

Your secrets that is

I see it all 

Whether I want to or not

Pretend you don’t see me 

But you want me to see 

You want me to see

All the dirty, raunchy, nasty little things

Walk right on by

The next morning

Don’t acknowledge me

Leave me a penny or a dime

If i’m lucky 

On the nightstand

If that makes you feel better about you

You make me vanish 

Into thin air

You make me vanish..

Into thin air..

Cause you’re cheap

And you’re scared

And ass bored.

Blue collar blues

Burning the candle at both ends


If i keep going on like this

It might kill me

It can’t possibly get more blue collar

I wasn’t cut out for this

But whatever

Cleaning toilets

Washing bathtubs

Cleaning up your cum rags

And god knows what else

You won’t break me

You can’t

I give you the finger


And laugh behind your back


I’ll do your laundry

I’ll lick your boots

If that’s what you want from me


That’s what i thought

You cheap bastards

I’d give more

If i had more to give

But i’m all tapped out

I’m not a machine

Or am i?


Afternoons are quieter

Light is more soft white

and baby blue

Than blinding orange and yellow

I start dreaming about

nights getting colder

us getting older

Telling stories around a fire-

Thanksgiving on top of table rock

Only you and me

Frosty breath and headlamps

When it started snowing

Wind howling

Never thought we’d make it down

Didn’t care

Or that time we hiked 21 miles

of the Art Loeb in one day

(With all our gear)

You literally fell down

Sprawled out across the trail

It wasn’t until we reached the car

In the dark

That we doubled over in laughter

Those are good memories

Let’s take em’ and run

I ache to ache like that again

I long for a simple life

Let’s run away

Let’s run!

Can we

Take all our memories

(Only the good ones of course)

To a valley

In Madison County

Throw a pot

Carve something outta wood

That sounds nice

Rebel Knight

You can see me

When no one else can

You know me

Better than I even know myself


Most of the time.

Those pinwheels over there

They’re hiding a dark secret

Spinning bright colors

To create a distraction

I do that too

But you already knew that

fighting demons since the beginning

The skeletons in my closet

Are enough to form an army

Waging a war, an uprising

Going to battle

All out Guerrilla warfare

Ambush! Sabotage!

You wield your wooden sword

My rebel knight!

Pick up what’s left

Dust me off

Caged bird doesn’t wanna

I know i need to edit but i dont want to

Wish i didnt have to 

shouldn’t have to

Try to make friends but make enemies instead

Where are you going

What the hell now?

Figure that shit out.

Put me in a padded cell but

I need to be covered with more than a straight jacket

I need my duvet 

Im a princess

Im priceless

In a funny ha ha sorta way

The caged bird does not want to sing

Not today

It wants to peck your eyes out instead

It squawks about 

beating wings

Gnawing on bars

Eyes black coals 

of rage and hate


I wanna be goddamn FREE!!

It screams

Flitting through life 

From one bad decision to another

Flapping to the surface

With what feels like chains

Attached to ankle weights

Eagle eye

I’ll watch you

If you watch me

Rock bottom

Ever found yourself in a situation 

debating, protesting, arguing

to get out?

when you know you’re “in it” 

but still assume you’re better than that?

Going on and on about your education

Your superior ways of thinking


failing. constantly.

again and again and again.

until you’re one of them.

when there isn’t a question 

in anyone’s mind.

your food stamp using and possession pawning

begging for money and constant lying

becomes overwhelming


fake befriending who you once condescended

using your body to get what you wanted

despite a history of feminism 

The yelling 

The screaming in rage

The throwing and the breaking of shit

The stamping of feet

and declaring your place

as better than any of you 

Until I was one of you 

and it was too late to go back.

drinking, spending entire paychecks

to forget who you are.

where you are

What you are

what you’ve become.


in appearance and in speech

the smell of poverty

embedded so deep

not only in your psyche but

in every possession..

(trust me, its gonna take awhile to get that stench out)

Worth it

In the dark and hazy room on lexington avenue

I watched you do your thing

I watched with envy and longing

Maybe a bit of jealousy

I held you high

In wonder and awe

I wondered

Was it real

Was it a dream

A boozy hazed floozy

Get off that bar stool

Gonna have to detox

Do a lot of down dog

And chaturanga-ing

To shake that one off

woke up this morning to clair de lune

Thought about how i’d been inspired by you

Can’t get enough sleep these days

Dark circles under eyes

Spinning in circles

Reeling, squinting

Struggling to see

To focus

On what’s right in front of me

Anything. Everything i want/need

They think im a machine

And maybe i am

But i have feelings too

You let me read aloud

You listened

I liked that

That was cool

You smiled, put your arm around me

Kissed me on the cheek

worth the week that feels like it might never end

And it may not

It may just keep going on and on and on and on

But that’s ok

Lemme just drink this coffee/wine/whiskey

Watch and learn 

i’ll still show you how its done

Booze it up baby

look at any great writer or artist

and i’ll bet a booze addiction

had something to do with it.

(Fueled it or quelled it)

when i say “great writer”

it’s my own personal taste

I’m speaking of those who

are most likely truly offensive

or make you blush

or embarrassed 

or cry

or make the pit of your stomach ache

with the beauty and the passion

that is brought to life

through the mere use of words.

a great writer has seen and done

what no one should have

to experience

until they imagine it

in another’s personal account

or story.

A writer can capture the very essence

of how much beauty there is

in tragedy, travesty

they know it, live it

so well

can still taste and smell 

and are so tormented 

and haunted

by the memories

of what has been done

and what has been seen.

all the shameful acts

and dirty thoughts.

once the blood is on your hands

there’s no going back.

booze it up baby!

somehow you have to numb out

the constant overstimulation

that plagues the brain

and the flood waters of emotion

that could make one absolutely 


so it’s the only way.


and thats what i’ll say

is my justification for 

the harmonious relationship 

between drugs, booze 

and the plight of the artist.

if you can’t somehow rope in

and hog tie 

the weight of the world

and the human condition

that you were lucky enough

to inherit as yours and yours alone.

be sensitive to

and feel compassion and 

responsibility for

then what will happen 

in the solitary fight,

in your own private battle

deep inside your own mind.



to make everything

in the entire fucked up

world right

it won’t end well

so booze it up baby!

and don’t apologize.


how are you supposed to mourn the undead?

i broke this glass and made a sillouhette of your head

an installation. a shrine. 

a tribute to your previous

ideally i would encapsulate something like that forever.

it’s what you do when love and loss take over.

it’s overwhelming.

i think i’ll end up crushing it in effigy this point.

after realizing the scam 

and how your new life just began to take form.

should have ran.

mourn the undead by never feeling