
Funny haha?

now it would be downright sad to see someone crawl home from a bar in a blizzard.

where’d all the love go?

i’m not really a doctor either by the way.

i just like wearing a lab coat.

that cloud cover’s not looking so good.

drinks. drunks. funny stuff.

sometimes they puke on sidewalks in the dark.


sometimes they hold your hair back (if you’re lucky)

hey! ripping off cripples isn’t hard.

people do it all the time.

it might be easier if you wear leisure suits and are missing at least one tooth.

pea green and powder blue are good colors

kick the cane right out from under you

now that’s not nice

Dead Sexy Part 2

a martian year is equal to two human years

i heard and didn’t know that before

who wants to live that long?

science and regulation are behind the rate of progress

do the regulations match the threat?

the duwamish 

that eat (and have been) eating the fish there

and the town of crestwood has been

drinking toxic water for twenty years.

thunderstorm asthma

(it happens)

before thunderstorms

and don’t kill the dandelions!

they are good for urban foraging

also chickweed, plantain, burdock and yellow dock

found in the city! (of chicago that is)

we could use a few tricks

but someday it will be

dead sexy.

urban foraging, compost toileting

not over-consuming

aiding in the revolution

placentas were appearing in the sewers of illinois 

and tokyo sewers were found to be rich in gold.

to learn how to die was to unlearn how to be a slave

that no man was to be counted happy until he was dead

frenchboro, maine

the population is only like fifty or fifty-five

worms are going for 5 cents a pop these days, eh?

a man could make an honest living on a worm farm

Dead Sexy Part 1

ginko trees in the park across the street

727 n. capitol

the dean apartments.

sitting amongst the radius of leaves

little yellow reflectors in the sun.

just breathe. breathe.

it’s my happy place

i go there sometimes.

my biggest pet peave is people who can’t

properly fill an ice cube tray.

a family of turkeys might be living outside your window,

you said.

hilarious considering you’re on the third floor.

(in the city)

this was the next morning

when outside your bedroom window

i was blinded by the light 

and confused by the sound

after a night of boobie tassles

shaped like strawberries

on a woman five times the size of me.

you kept screaching as we rode our bikes

away into the night 

the unexpected, warm rain

smearing my mascara

and you

trying to scream away the sight 

of a fat lesbian shakin’ her booty

in some sort of weird teddy getup

dead sexy.

i guess i can respect it 

and you told me to be a lady


(when i couldn’t stop saying “gunt”)

The tumble

It’s not a flight

It’s more like a tumble

The full monty you say!

As we stuff our faces 

With deplorable things

Like beer and wine

And sushi

The good things

The beauty of life

We blah blah blah

Your face starts to flush

And Here!

Give me the keys

I’ll drive

Max Patch Mountain

I want to get married here

I whispered

Right here

In this place.

This very spot

Makes my heart sing.

I stamped my foot and motioned

Staring off into the distance


(Not really)

That fall 

All those years ago

Blood orange, yellow

Red and brown

If i only knew then what i know now

I did a dance

And a leap

I’d climb that mountain

So many more times

thru rain and snow

Thru pain and heartache 

Circle and traverse

The ever changing terrain

Sometimes all the way from hot springs

(Remember the top of bluff mountain?!)


Sometimes stranded


Sometimes in awe..

Mostly in awe

Right back 

To that exact place

Where i’d eventually face you again

In that very spot

And you’d be mine

And the memory of us there

Will never be forgotten

Dear Summer

summer has barely even begun 

and i already feel like i’ve flown

through chapters like a speed reader..

wait! what was that?

i gotta go back. hold on!

i was either zoning out during that part

or not paying attention

and i need to understand..did i miss something?

when you are dehydrated..

you will be tempted to drink fast.

don’t..unless you want to induce vomiting

take slow sips instead. slow sips.

better yet..drink lemonade!

the birds are so much louder today

at this hour than usual.

they must have something important to say.

im certain they know something i don’t.

listen. learn.

maybe i’ll be enlightened 

as to this nagging feeling 

that has been plaguing me all day. 

i wish like hell it would go away.

gotta figure out the source first though.

the rustling of leaves is always comforting

or the way the sun reflects and glints

in the morning and makes them 

so saturated with green 

it’s almost too much color for your eyes to take in.

sometimes i have to close them to process it.

lovely. just lovely.

a girl screaming in the night however,

is not lovely.

neither is loud bass coming from a car stereo

i hope you are kind.

i wish for lots of things.

i’m certain that i’m certain

dear summer, 

please bring nice weather, conclusions,

and pleasantries, etc, etc.

yours truly-kim

Hobo at heart

i remember waking in the middle of the night

during summers at the cabin

hearing the engine..blaring 

a freight train was screaming right through the walls

or at least it sounded like it

it was that close..

steaming through, steaming so loud

i would sit straight up in bed


and then comforted

smiling to myself

snuggling back into my bunk

knowing the very next day

we would be walking those tracks

down by the river

collecting railroad ties

waving to the conductor

dreaming and romanticizing 

about a life full of travel to far off lands

and wanderlust.

before i could even comprehend

or make sense of the feelings i felt

when i saw the trains

going down the tracks by the river

through the tall grass and flowers

i was a hobo..a transient at heart

i loved and respected and dreamed

Really loved!

the trains and those tracks 

that signified hope and an escape

to i knew not where

but i breathed deep and felt relief

at the smell of iron, rust, asphalt, tar

and i’d get butterflies when i heard

the train sounds.

my arm would go up so high

and i would wave and wave

and in my mind

they really saw me

and i mattered

maybe i brightened their day cause

i know they sure did

(brighten mine)

and i still think about those trains

and the freedom they signified

takes me back to a time when my dad 

was so young

And my brother and i

we were all full of life

and so connected with the earth

jumping from the bridge into the river

that ran along the tracks.

it was illegal

but it was still encouraged by dad

and he was so proud that i was the only girl

and willing to jump

i know it made him smile

and of course that was my main motivation

the only i needed

i was daddy’s girl

and a tomboy to the bone.

(hang down your head tom dooley, 

hang down your head and cry,

hang down your head tom dooley

poor boy you’re bound to die…)

climbing trees, digging for worms,

salamanders and

walking in the woods

for peace of mind

smelling, taking my surroundings in


the simple pleasures in life.

they were easily accessible to me

and i look back now and am thankful

for my early introduction to the earth

and all it had and has to offer.

trains signify freedom,

something better.

you can scatter my ashes on those tracks

in branch county

so i can forever 


over and over

my brother, my dad and me

and the hope and excitement 

walking those tracks made us feel

in backwoods, michigan.


i was a bit taken first.

slightly mortified.

in a matter of seconds of course,

i began spouting off and later realized

the beauty and the deeper meaning of it.

(After i fell off my chair in laughter)

she looks like george washington! (My friend said that)

at what age does a lady get scruffy anyway!? (Me)

“the witch of ocean park” is what they now say.

is that a rite of passage?

“beard required” 

i wonder if the beard was present when she was fucking bukowski?

his taste was..odd..but i guess so is mine.

i guess that’s why i can’t get FrancEyE’s beard out of my mind.

It ain’t easy

You put yourself out there

And you wait

There isn’t an easy way

Sometimes not a right way


On what you’re revealing

Could be your calling

(Maybe not)


Wait for everyone 

To judge your passion


4 dog night

Hot breath on my face

Eyes crack 

slowly open

One and then two

Surveying the scene


Shyly shying away

Eyes dart

Back and forth


Wider now

Oh shit yes!

Im exactly where i should be

Hi ira!