
Lost in the sauce

Lost in the sauce

All of you

Especially that uber driver

He actually jumped the curb

Not an ounce of awareness

Not one

The lot of you

Fall down

Stumble around

Through life

Like a pinball

I’ll watch from here

I’d laugh but it isn’t funny


You are everything

Does that scare you?

The air i breathe

The ground i walk on

Every thought

Everything i eat


My heart threatens to fail

When i think of life without you

I dont think i could go on


People move on

When significant others pass on

But even the imagination

Of one day without you

If you ceased to exist

It’s so overwhelming

I cant even go there

My heart would literally break


It would

Ive never felt anyone 

More than i feel you and you me

Your beauty

It hurts. 

The moth

The moth flies free

It flies sporadically


Does it know where it’s going?

On a hot summer night

It seems to lose it’s way.

It flitters in through the open door.


Poor moth

Poor, poor moth

This is the beginning of the end

My dear friend.

If you pinch the silky, powdery wings

Between two fingers

They turn to dust.

Tattered and fragile

Floating through the room

You cup your hands around it

And it flutters free to roam

It hovers, flickers and suspends

It finds solace

Behind a curtain 

On the ceiling or the wall

And then it dies slowly.


Bukowski said “don’t try”

It’s etched on his headstone.

And he really didn’t


He just wrote one poem a day

As a rule

And off they went.

Mailed off to whoever

Whoever would listen.

(No one did)

He drank himself silly

And gave you the finger

But now I bet..I just bet..

I bet they wished they’d listened


Another brilliant artist

Shit on

Are you a poet if?

If you use flowery language

Are abstract or use metaphors..

Then are you a poet?

And not before?

If you’re discussed in lectures

And analyzed to death..

Does that..does that make you a poet!?

If no one really knows

What you’re talking about

they can only guess or have theories or ideas

Then are you a poet?!

If you leave people wondering

And are never quite sure

Then what! What was it all for?


It’s a question

Scaredy cat

I act out


Will I ever grow up?

Everyone thinks I’m ten years younger

Than I really am.

Is it a blessing

Or is it a curse?

Who knows

Who fucking cares anyway.

You don’t even remember

The meaning of

Iambic pentameter

Or anything else from honors english

You’re a nobody

No one’s gonna read your words


They won’t.

And you won’t read them either


(Out loud anyway)

You don’t have the guts

Scaredy cat.

Of everything.


So good.

Too good.

How can this be real?

Someone sent you here


To watch me


(Why else would you deal with the bullshit?)

I live in your shadow.

(Ive always lived in a shadow)

I’m nothing

A nobody

“You’ll never be famous”

(Bethany said that)

And she’s right.


Or even gladly

Cause who wants that anyway?

The ideas of grandeur

But the leaving life with a bang

(Could still happen)


Just let me leave this earth

Being remembered for something

By some one

Just one single person!

Even a tragedy would do

Nine lives

Ive been trying so hard

My entire life

To kill myself off


(ive realized)

Ive done everything 

I could think of!

Within reason of course.

I poke and I prod


To this very day

And i dare.

Test my boundaries

Fuck it

Try me

And what the fuck!?

I’m still god damn here.

I thought cats were pretty lucky

(Are they?)

They have nine lives, Yes.

And here we are 


Reluctantly on..

Thru this life

And beyond and beyond and beyond

And it keeps going

It just keeps going on and on and on..


So this is who I am

Pass it on..

If you thought you knew me then

Well you really know me now.

There is no edit

And I can’t hide

I’m hard wired..

I’m too honest.

You have to know me!

Hear me!

Just listen

And then decide

Love me or leave me?

I always say.

(They usually leave)

They do!

And sometimes I can’t blame them.

You won’t ever forget tho.

You can’t.

Its impossible 

Its impossible because..

I stick.

Bait and switcher

I feel victimized by you

Why would you talk to me that way?

I thought that i was being taken seriously.

My poetry?

You want to read it..?

Tell me what you think?

(Like i care)

Do i have a sign on my forehead..

That says..


Go ahead! Fuck with me?

I write. It’s not sexy. 


Nothing i do is sexy.

I’m passionate.

It’s not the same.

Sorry if that does not translate.

I don’t care what you think 

Or don’t


We’re all human.

I wont tell your wife

But you should go..

Get in bed with her


I know that I’m pretty

And now i know that im naive

But i refuse to take the blame for this

You’re the coward, not me

Bait and switcher